Thursday, 29 March 2012

It's on the web - so it must be true!

According to website apparently...

The words beer and health usually do not go together... Wine has always been the show stealer for its numerous health benefits, but it now appears that moderate consumption of beer may also have some positive benefits on health. Studies show that sensible beer drinking (i.e. no more than two bottles for men (WrenSocial comment: except on Thursdays!) and one bottle for women per day) can be beneficial to the heart and lower the likelihood of some diseases.

Regularly consuming alcohol in small amounts lowers some of the risks that come with aging. Consuming a beer a day increases high-density lipoprotein (also known as HDL), which is a good form of cholesterol needed in the body. Drinking beer in moderation can also aid in protecting against type 2 diabetes. Scientists believe diabetes prevention via moderate alcohol consumption comes from higher insulin sensitivity.

The moderate intake of alcohol has been shown to line blood vessels, lowering the chance of a blood clot or plugged artery. The likelihood of a heart attack is 30-35% lower for men who consume modest amounts of alcohol. One to two beers a day may protect men from a heart disease related death, as found in a recent study showing 20% fewer deaths in a group of men who moderately drank each day versus a group of males that did not drink. Hypertensive males that drink occasionally are also at less risk of heart attack.

So clearly your health is in serious risk if you don't come out for a couple of pints tonight! This weeks ales are:

See you later.