So the Diamond Jubilee is here at last and as instructed in the 2nd line of the the 3rd verse of our national anthem, we are only too pleased to pour a couple of special Jubilee ales and salute this very special occasion.

We've got Woodforde's lovely Jubilee beer 'Norfolk Gem', described as
"a careful blend of pale, cara and crystal malts coupled with English Challenger and Pacific Gem hops from New Zealand, deliver a well balanced amber ale with intriging hints of malt, blackcurrant and citrus fruits, and a satisfying bitter finish".
and also another Jubilee ale from Liverpoool brewer, Cains called 'Jubilee Mild'
We'll be open as normal on Thursday night from 8pm
AND ALSO FROM 6.30pm on Friday night
for a special Jubilee Family Night.
Just bring a plate of party food!