We can't think of many better combinations or reasons why you should make sure that you join us this week!

Tribute (4.2% abv) is one of our favorite beers!
A Supreme Champion Ale of Cornwall as voted by CAMRA, and the South West's Favourite cask beer, Tribute is a popular favourite with locals and visitors to Cornwall, as well as being a much sought after brand throughout the rest of the UK. It is brewed using specially grown Cornish Gold Malt.
Roger Protz, Editor Good Beer Guide, wrote: "Tribute is a magnificent example of a bronze coloured English bitter, with a rich aroma of biscuity malt and tart citrus fruit from the Willamette hops. Juicy malt, hop resins and tangy fruit coat the tongue, while the finish is long and lingering, with a fine balance between malt, hops and fruit, finally becoming dry and bitter."
Tribute Ale named Best Drink at food Reader Awards 2013
Awarded a Silver Medal at the Taste of the West Awards 2009
Winner of the SIBA South West awards 2007
Voted Supreme Champion Cornish Ale, CAMRA Falmouth Beer Festival 2004
So come and join us on THURSDAY from 8pm for our weekly BEER NIGHT
or on FRIDAY, again from 8pm for our special PIE NIGHT:
Bring a pie or make a donation for your meal.
Always a brilliant night.