This week we have got an 'olde' favorite back:
Greene King's Olde Trip (4.3% ABV).
A rich toffee flavoured beer bursting with fruity character, this premium ale is perfectly balanced with a clean bitter finish. It takes its name is from the world famous 'Ye Olde Trip To Jerusalem Inn' which lays claim to being England's oldest Inn. Carved into the sandstone rock at the foot of Nottingham Castle, the Inn was reputed to be a favoured resting place and 'watering hole' for the brave knights who rallied to the call of King Richard The Lionheart to join The Third Crusade to the Holy Land.
If you like something a little lighter, we've got Adnams Lighthouse too.

So that's two great reasons to join the crusade at WrenSocial from 8pm this Thursday & Friday.