Wednesday, 3 October 2012

The Green Man spotted in Wreningham

The Green Man is usually spotted earlier in the year during traditional English May Day parades and celebrations - usually wearing a large, foliage-covered, garland-like framework, which covers his body from head to foot (or is that Donald?).

Amongst modern “folkies” and neo-pagans 'the Jack in the Green' has become identified with the mysterious Green Man depicted in mediaeval church carvings and is widely felt to be an embodiment of natural fertility, a spirit of the primeval greenwood and a trickster; by extension he is linked to such mythological characters as Puck, Robin Goodfellow, Robin Hood, the wild man, and the Green Knight, among others such as the folklore behind the legend of Robin Hood.

Golden Best from The Green Jack Brewery is a golden pale ale with a very hoppy aroma with a abv of 3.8% it makes Green Jacks Golden best to be a superb session ale.

We're open from 8pm this THURSDAY and from 6.30PM on FRIDAY for our monthly FAMILY FUN NIGHT. See you then.