Wednesday 15 January 2014

Pie Night cometh

This week is one of our favourites: PIE NIGHT!

Don't miss it... FRIDAY from 7PM.

As always, simply bring along a pie to share, or make a donation for your meal.

This time we've got some LIVE MUSIC on the night too, with local band 'Tap the Barrel' entertaining us.

It's a FREE ENTRY event for all the family and we look forward to seeing you all.

We've got TWO great guest ales this week too:

This beer has won more awards nationally and locally than any other Cornish beer and is without doubt the Queen of Cornish Ales - perhaps why it's one of Mark's favourites!?

Spitfire Premium Kentish Ale is the biggest ale success story of the last decade. Originally brewed to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, its characteristically Kentish, hoppy flavour and risque advertising campaign has made it a firm favourite with beer lovers.

Winner of a gold medal and Best Strong Cask-Conditioned Beer of the World at the Brewing Industry International Awards, Spitfire Ale is now Shepherd Neame's biggest-selling cask conditioned ale.

Don't forget that we're open on THURSDAY NIGHT too for 8PM for our weekly BEER NIGHT.